Lifetime Fitness Concepts


To maintain fitness for a lifetime, you should include a variety of activities and food to allow for a well rounded regimen. Your exercise should include cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. Healthy food choices should follow the daily food guidelines, allowing you to get the necessary nutrition to function at your optimal level.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that, "children get 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise at least three times a week, and that adults get at least two and a half hours each week." Cardiovascular activities are those that increase your heart and breath rates. Activities such as running, biking, brisk walking are considered aerobic activity. Anaerobic conditioning, short bursts of activity lasting 30 seconds to two minutes, should be included for overall health cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular fitness increases your general well being, while decreasing a variety of risk factors for disease.


Muscle strengthening has a variety of benefits. Adequate strength levels allow you to accomplish daily living and fun activities. Increased muscle increases metabolism which helps in weight control. Weight training also will decrease your risk of osteoporosis. The recommended amount for children is some type of strengthening activities, which can include push ups, pull ups, and swinging on the jungle gym, at least three times a week. Adults should work each large muscle group at least twice a week.


Flexibility is your ability to move your body through ranges of joint motions. It is considered to be one of the five components of fitness by the American Council on Exercise. Maintaining flexibility through each joint allows you the ability to use joints through their full range of motion. Adding activities that promote movement will increase your flexibility and range of motion. Tennis is an activity that inherently promotes a wide variety of joint movements, while yoga specifically addresses flexibility through sustained moves. Flexibility is necessary to perform some of the most basic aspects of daily living. For example, you may experience difficulty with putting on your shoes and socks if you do not have adequate flexibility in your back and and hips.

Food Choices

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Americans eat more than they need and yet still don't get adequate nutrition.Choosing nutrient rich foods that are not high in calories is vital. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and lean protein, and avoiding saturated and trans fats, will help you to maintain your overall fitness goals. Highly processed foods are quickly turned into sugars in your system. Nutrients are lost during processing and are often more calorie dense.

Basic Considerations

According to the American Heart Association, most Americans don't engage in enough physical activity to get any health benefits and "physical inactivity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease". Developing and maintaining an exercise regimen and healthy living plan for your entire family is the key to good health. Maintain a healthy balance, and making it fun, will help to ensure that it becomes a long-term lifestyle.

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