P90X Nutrition Diet

Proper nutrition is a major component of the P90X extreme home fitness program. The P90X nutrition diet was developed by Carrie Wiatt, a nutrition expert who has published several books. The plan provides a nutrient-dense, interval-based diet that helps to regulate blood sugar and promote calorie burn as well as providing a steady supply of energy.

Phase 1

Phase 1 is referred to as the fat shredder phase. During this phase, proteins compose 50 percent of your calorie intake while fat and carbohydrate intake is limited to 20 and 30 percent, respectively. The goal of the fat shredder phase is to improve muscle tone and help you lose any excess fat.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is referred to as the energy booster phase. This phase allows 40 percent of calories to come from protein and 40 percent to come from carbohydrates. Fat intake is limited to 20 percent of calories. The energy booster phase is designed to promote continual fat loss while increasing energy levels.

Phase 3

Phase 3 is called the endurance maximizer. The diet in this phase is considered an athletic diet because the majority, or 60 percent, of your calories come from carbohydrates. Fats and protein each compose 20 percent of the intake. The goal of the endurance maximizer is to help you maintain peak physical performance for an extended period of time and to maintain optimal athletic performance.


Each phase of the P90X diet offers two options: a portion approach and a meal plan approach. With the portion approach, you can mix and match different types of foods as long as you stay within the allotted portion size for each food group. The portion approach divides foods into eight categories: proteins, dairy, fruits, vegetables, fats, carbohydrates, snacks and condiments. With the meal plan approach, you use a chart that lists meals for each day of the week. Recipes are provided for various breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.

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