P90X Results in Women

P90X is a 12-DVD program designed by fitness professional Tony Horton to transform your body from "regular to ripped" in 90 days. P90X is often considered a weight loss program. However, it is more accurate to categorize it as a fitness program to build muscle, improve endurance and increase flexibility. Nevertheless, fat-loss is one of many results P90X users experience through the course of the program. Women have traditionally focused on cardiovascular exercise to lose weight, but according Beachbody which distributes P90X, many women are using the program to not just lose weight but sculpt their body.

Fat Loss

P90X includes two cardiovascular workout DVDs and five strength training DVDs that increase fat burn and weight loss. Kenpo and Cardio X programs use kickboxing and other aerobic moves to increase your heart rate and burn fat. Strength training DVD's such as Plyometrics, Chest and Back, and Legs and Back build muscle, which increases your metabolism and fat burn during your everyday activities. Women who stick to the 90-day program may not experience significant weight loss as they build muscle. However, you will reduce your body fat, which is ultimately the goal. Nevertheless, because muscle is denser than fat, you will look thinner even if the scale doesn't show a significant change in weight.

Increase Muscle Mass

The emphasis of the P90X program is sculpting strong muscles. A toned body is not only more attractive, but provides a variety of additional health benefits. Strong muscles help maintain bone density, which is important in women who have a higher incidence of osteoporosis than men. Strength training builds ligaments and tendons to support your joints and decreases the likelihood of injury from other activities. Strong muscles increase your range of motion so you can stay active for a greater quality of life. Muscles also increase metabolism, which results in greater calorie burn throughout the day.

Increased Flexibility

P90X is one of the few exercise programs that has a strong emphasis on flexibility. Flexibility is important to maintain and improve range of motion and balance, as well as reduce the risk of injury. It offers two DVDs to improve flexibility -- Yoga and Stretch X. The Yoga DVD is a rigorous workout using most well-known yoga poses. It not only increases flexibility, it builds muscle as well. Stretch X uses exercises from a variety of disciplines to increase flexibility. It's not as intense as other DVDs and can be used on rest days.

Improved Overall Health

The workouts included in P90X not only burn fat, but improve endurance as well. According to the American Heart Association, each hour of regular exercise you perform will increase your life expectancy by two hours. Increased endurance results in greater ease of functional activities such as climbing stairs. It also improves heart and lung health, thereby decreasing your risk of heart disease and hypertension. Other benefits from exercise include increased energy, improved sleep, and delayed illnesses associated with aging.

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