What Are the Benefits of the Dumbbell Bent Over Row?

Dumbbell bent over rows are an effective upper body exercise. To perform this exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your legs slightly bent. Keep your back straight and lean forward 45 degrees at the waist so that the weights are at knee level. Inhale and pull the dumbbells up to your chest by lifting your elbows as high as possible. Carefully lower the weights back to the starting position and exhale. While this exercise is challenging, it offers many benefits.

Muscle Development

Dumbbell bent over rows target the latissimus dorsi, teres major, posterior deltoid, rhomboids, trapezius and biceps muscles. As with most resistance training, if this exercise is performed often and with a heavy load, muscle growth will occur. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends using 70 to 85 percent of your one-repetition max weight for eight to 12 repetitions to build muscle in your back, shoulders and arms with the dumbbell bent over row.

Improved Spine Stability

While the superficial muscles of your back work dynamically during dumbbell bent over rows, your spinal stabilizing muscles work hard in an isometric contraction to keep your torso straight throughout the exercise. The improved spine stability achieved during bent over rows will carry over to your everyday life, leading to improved posture and decreased back muscle fatigue and pain.

Functional Movement

The functional movement of the dumbbell bent over row can help improve your ability to perform similar tasks throughout your day. Such tasks include lifting and carrying groceries, children, bags and other objects. You will also benefit from this exercise if you have an occupation like nursing, or janitorial or mechanical work that requires you to be in a bent over position for extended amounts of time

Appropriate for All Fitness Levels

The size of the dumbbell used for bent over rows can vary depending on your fitness level, making this exercise appropriate for beginners or fitness veterans. Unlike barbells that have a set weight of 25 or 45 lb., dumbbells can range in weight from 1 lb. to 100 lb. So whether your are performing rehabilitation work, just wanting to tone your muscles or want to build a large, powerful back, dumbbell bent over rows can be used to fulfill your needs.

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