4 Tips To Deal With Diet Failure

Losing weight is made out to be so easy when it’s not. Whenever, I open a magazine or see a commercial promoting some fitness or weight loss product, I get angry because it all seems so simple.
As someone who has failed to lose weight in the past (until I finally found the way years ago), I know that this is a false impression and it can actually make people who have exerienced diet failures to feel bad about themselves.

In this article, I want to share some tips on how to deal with diet failure, dust yourself off, and continue moving toward a better looking and healthier body.
If you ever find yourself thinking that you can’t lose weight or you have had bad past experiences with dieting (who hasn’t) this article is a must for you.

Don’t Be Quick To Blame Yourself

While it’s often tempting to place all blame for past failures on yourself, this is not only counterproductive but often wrong. Who’s to say that you’re to blame for not losing weight with a diet plan you tried before?
Is it your fault? Did you really do anything wrong? Perhaps you simply chose a diet plan that was wrong for you. In that case, you didn’t fail, that diet plan failed you.
Don’t take all the blame. It may very well be that you’ve tried a diet plan that is simply not good. There are so many scams and useless diets out there that it’s nearly impossible not to fall prey to one sooner or later.

Forgive yourself

Let’s say that you’re to blame for failing to lose weight. So what? Does this make you a bad person? No, it just means that you’re human. That’s all.
Have you ever heard the expression “To err is human to forgive divine”?
Well, it’s time to get divine and forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made. Sure, you’re responsible for your weight but you don’t live in a bubble. You’re affected by what’s going on around you. You too can go through bad times. In theTransformation Solution Program, Bill Phillips shows that unless you’re able to forgive yourself, you will never be able to rectify things and move forward in a new direction. This is an important lesson. Realize that you too deserve forgiveness and move on.

Remember Edison

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the first commercial light bulb is rumored to have tried thousands of materials during the research which led to the first bulb. He failed thousands of times. Did he give up? No, he kept on trying until he finally stumbled upon the right ingredients to create a light bulb that can last for hours. In doing so he changed the world forever.
Now, I don’t know how many diet programs you’ve tried in the past, but I bet it wasn’t in the thousands. Whenever you feel that failure is your destiny, remember Edison. The key is to never give up, keep your eyes on the prize, and to try and try again. Eventually, you will succeed. I’m sure of it.

No more “easy way outs”

One of the many reasons why people fail with diets is that they choose the wrong ones. Often, this is simply a case of wishful thinking coupled with clever marketing. Many diets are sold as the “next best thing” and the “easy way to lose weight”. The ads build so much expectation that when you realize that you failed to lose weight, you can’t help but get depressed.
It’s time to avoid the “easy way out” solutions from now on. To burn fat, tone and shape your body, you need to make an effort, to change your habits and to start eating right. As long as you continue to be sucked in to “effortless” solutions, you’re doomed to fail.

In Conclusion

I don’t care how many times you tried to lose weight and failed. You can still do this. The fact of the matter is that NOT trying is failing by default. You can’t succeed without trying.

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