5 Tips to Make a Real Change in Your Life

Making a change in your life is not as easy as it seems. Overcoming current habits and adopting new ones can be a challenge. You may be able to do so for a short time, but to create a permanent change may be hard.
However, when there’s a will there’s a way and I want to help. Here are 5 tips to make a real and permanent change in your life.

1. Set a Specific and Measureable Goal

The first thing you need to do is to have something to change to. You need a goal to serve as your destination.

When you set your goal, you have to make it specific and measureable. Abstract goals tend to have less of a power over your psyche.
An example of an abstract goal is: “I want to lose weight“. And a specific and measureable goal might be: “I want to lose 20 lbs in 5 months” or “I want to make $5,000 each year, starting from next year.”
This may not be the first time you’ve tried to make a real change in your life. You may have tried before and failed. Now, those past failures may be weighing down on you and making it more difficult to believe in yourself and your ability to create change.
You have to let go of those past failures. They are meaningless. While learning from failure can be productive, they shouldn’t serve as weights around your neck and ruin your motivation and belief in your ability to succeed.
All successful people fail. It is part of trying to improve your life. You fail and fail again until you succeed. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or achieve any other goal, accept failure but don’t cling to it.
You must also forgive yourself for failing. It is part of human nature to make mistakes. What makes us successful is the ability to try again.

3. Get Rid of Obstacles

You need to prepare yourself and your life for change. It’s important to get rid of any obstacles that may hinder your progress.
For instance, if the change you’re trying to make in your life involves losing body fat, you want to make sure that your kitchen is free from fattening and tempting foods that may make it harder for you to control your eating. If you have a cardio machine at home that is folded up in the garage, you want to set it up in your living room, where you will be likely to use it.
Take a day and make a list of all the things you can do quickly to make your change easier to achieve. However, don’t create impossible to achieve preparation lists that will delay your progress. Your list should be made up of things you actually can do quickly and easily.

4. Start Right Now

The first day of the rest of your life doesn’t begin tomorrow or next week. It begins today. Right now. To make a real change in your life, you need to take action straightaway. Right now, you’re feeling like you can succeed. Right now your desire is at its peak. Now, you are motivated. If you wait, these feelings will die down gradually. Therefore, don’t wait.

5. Use visualization and affirmations to help you succeed

To make a real change in your life you need a powerful mindset. You need to be focused on success. There are two things that you can to change your mindset to one which is focused on success:
a. Visualize success – You need to create a mental image of how you and your life will be once you’ve achieved your goal and created a change in your life. Make this mental image as detailed as possible. Picture it in your mind when you wake up and before you go to bed. You will be much more motivated to work towards this mental image.
b. Affirmations – To enhance your self-belief and confidence, you can use affirmations. This involves you telling yourself (verbally or mentally) that you can achieve your goals, that you’re capable, successful, and powerful. Do this as often as you can and your mind will start believing it even if you don’t at the moment. Then, this belief will become more and more powerful.

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