Celebrity bodies - How do they do it?

Blake Lively works very hard to get her amazing body and focuses on cardio-conditioning-core circuits classes, designed by one of America’s top personal trainers to the stars Bobby Strom. She uses dumbbells and swiss balls to combine exercise movements, meaning that she will use more muscle groups at once - a very clever way to train as it burns more calories and means you will shape up quicker. Her diet consists of a fresh vegetable juice to start the day and lean proteins (such as eggs, chicken and fish) mixed with salads and steamed vegetables.

The kind of circuit workouts she does are fairly easy to do at home, get some dumbbells and a swiss ball and mix and match various moves alternating upper body work and lower body work with some cardio and core work in between.
Try this:
Do one minute of each move, and then repeat doing for 90 seconds per move and then two minutes of each for a killer boot camp style twist.
1. Jacks on the spot
2. Press ups
3. Burpees
4. Crunches on a swiss ball
5. Squats with dumbbells
6. Fast running on the spot
7. Triceps kick backs with weights
8. Plank with rear leg raises
9. Lunge kicks with dumbbells
10. Mountain timbers
11. Triceps presses
12. Side planks with side leg raises
13. Squat jumps
14. Oblique crunches on the swiss ball
15. Static lunge combined with a biceps curl.

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