Frequently asked fitness questions

By James Wilson, Fitness Expert at David Lloyd Leisure
Ask James Wilson your own questions live on 28 January at 1pm

I want to begin the New Year by losing a few pounds. Which is better for weight loss - cardio exercise or weights?

Both cardio and weights are good forms of exercise to help you lose weight. It all depends on the intensity you work at while cardio or weight training on the impact you make. Try a combination of both for the perfect weight-loss programme.

If you simply want to burn calories then working cardio machines at the gym, like the treadmill or the cross trainer will do a great job - an added bonus being that the machine will tell you just how many you have destroyed on the display screen. The gym may not be for you however, so everydayoutdoor activities are also a safe bet. You would be amazed how many calories you can ditch just by mowing the lawn or washing the car. It's worth bearing in mind however, that in order to lose the excess pounds you also need to ensure you have a balanced, controlled diet.
As for weight training, in my experience many women think this is just for men or worry about turning into a 'muscle man'. But, the truth is pumping iron can be a secret weapon to shifting the excess pounds. By lifting moderate weights repetitively not only do you increase your heart rate and burn calories, but you also build up your muscle mass, increase joint strength and your bone density. With continuous weight training the muscles will therefore increase in size, which means raising your metabolic rate and burning more calories - even when you're resting. Thankfully, the outcome will be more Madonna than Sylvester Stallone.

The extra mince pies over the Christmas period have caused havoc with my midriff. How can I shift my love handles?

The bad news is that genetics decide where the body will store fat and where it will take fat away for energy, which means that some women suffer the dreaded love bulges more than others. Unfortunately you won't be able to get rid of these overnight but if you put the time and effort into training hard they will eventually decrease.
One of the best ways to target love handles is by exercising with a Swiss-ball. There are various exercises you can do but follow these steps to work wonders:
Lie back on the ball with your feet on the floor. Hold your arms out extended at chest level. Keeping your bottom on the ball, slowly rotate your torso to the left until your knuckles are pointing to the wall. Return to centre and repeat on the other side.
Alternatively, you could try using free weights - you can buy these in any sports shop or go for good old cans of beans from the cupboard:
Holding a moderate weight in each hand, keep your arms by your side; simply tilt your body left but ensure not to overstretch and repeat 10 times; then switch sides. Repeat four times daily and watch them disappear.

I would like to lose half a stone by the end of February as well as tone up. What would be the best exercise for me and how often should I do it?

The most important factor in reaching your goal is diet. If your diet isn't controlled then you'll be fighting a losing battle. If you eat to excess, you will put calories that you burnt during exercise straight back on and the muscle you will be gaining from exercise will be disguised by fat gained from excess calorie intake. So, please make sure you are eating sensibly.
As a realistic target, I would recommend two to three forms of weight training per week. If you can't make it into the gym, use your weights or cans of baked beans at home to work those upper body muscles and ultimately tone your figure. You should also include one form of core strengthening workout such as pilates or yoga, which is great for postural improvement, flexibility and overall toning. If you can't attend a class, why not follow a video in the comfort of your own home. Finally, I would suggest one to two forms of cardio exercise per week such as hardcore spinning on an exercise bike or intense jogging for pure calorie burning and an all over body workout.

I do loads of sit-ups and still have a stubborn pot belly below my belly button. How do I get a flatter stomach?

People think sit-ups are the only exercises you can do for the stomach but there is much more fun to be had. Sit-ups are effective for training your outer stomach muscles, which will mainly work the upper abs but will not actually draw the stomach in if worked on their own. So, try a pilates class or video two to three times per week, which will teach you how to use your inner muscles properly and help draw your navel in. You'll see a flatter stomach in no time.
It's also worth considering that your 'pot belly' could be the result of bloating. To rule this out, make sure you keep a food diary so that you can easily link any foods that bloat you and then take them out of your diet.

My legs aren't fat but they lack definition. How do I make them more shapely?

The best exercises to do for all over leg definition are exercises that use all the major leg muscles in one go. Squats and lunges are all excellent leg exercises that will improve your leg definition if done slowly two to four times per week. By doing these major muscle group exercises not only will you improve leg definition, but due to the size of the muscles you will burn lots of calories too. You will also be impressed by how quickly you can increase the amount of squats and lunges you can do in one go.

I'm pregnant and don't want to look colossal - what can I do to stay in shape in the New Year that will also be good for the baby?

Before exercising with your precious bump, important things to remember are: keep your heart rate below 140 beats per minute, exercise moderately for no longer than 20 minutes, keep any weights light - doing no more than 12-20 repetitions, don't overstretch as your joints are very supple when pregnant and keep the training low impact.
I would recommend moderate swimming or a class taught in the pool like aqua-aerobics as the best forms of exercise whilst pregnant. Regular brisk walking is also hard to beat. Try to train little and often, do not exercise on your back and ensure you stay hydrated at all times. You won't look colossal, just in full bloom.

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