how much do i need to walk to lose weight

Walking is a habit many people adopt to lose weight; however it can be one of the slowest methods to actually drop pounds. Did that statement get your attention? Of course there are several exceptions to that statement and it is those exceptions that I want to bring into your awareness.
            Many people choose to walk for their health. I must first say that walking has many benefits, however for weight loss you will need to do a little more. Walking is weight bearing exercise that is important for bone strength; it stimulates circulation and reduces stiffness and pain. Those are wonderful health benefits.
Walking also provides positive physiological benefits. Regular movement can increase endorphins that make you feel good. If you walk outside you get fresh air, vitamin D from the sun, and the benefit of taking a set aside time for yourself. If you walk with a friend you get the added benefit of a positive social experience which is known to enhance health.
The kind of walking that is most often done is slow steady and moderate. While this kind of easy walking is very good for your health, it will do little for weight loss unless one or more of the following three factors are present.
1)      Frequency
2)      Intensity
3)      Time: Distance-Duration
You can achieve weight loss through walking if you utilize these factors. The first is frequency, how often you are walking. It is somewhat obvious to note that you will get more calories burned, the more times you walk. Simply by increasing the number times you walk, you can see more results from your efforts. This can be at one time or spread throughout the day. A goal of 10,000 steps per day is optimum for maintaining health.
A daily habit of walking is very beneficial, but the second factor of intensity is also very important, how hard you are working. To burn more calories you want to increase your amount of intensity. One of the easiest ways to do that is through swinging your arms and twisting at the waist while you do so.
You can also speed up your pace. One way to manage this is to time your laps and work to improve your time. This will give you a way to gauge your progress and keep you challenged.
The other issue with intensity is you can actually improve your heart and lung function with a few short intervals of speed walking or jogging. When you add a short burst of intensity, 30 to 60 seconds, and then follow with slower recovery walking, you will flood your body with anti-oxidants and feel good endorphins. Your heart rate will remain elevated while moving at the slower pace.
These little bursts of intensity challenge the heart and lungs in a new way. This causes the body to work harder and more efficiently, leading to increased stamina and endurance. It will increase your overall health benefits and calorie burn. This increase in intensity will improve your weight loss efforts.
The third factor is time, how many minutes you are walking. Once again it seems obvious to note, the more time you spend walking, the more calories you will burn. Those who see weight loss from walking are using one or more of these principals to achieve those results.
In conclusion if you are hoping for weight loss from walking, begin to include more frequency, intensity or time into your efforts. These factors will supercharge your results, leaving you thinner and healthier

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