Tips & Tricks (T&T) for Ten Healthy Habits You Still Aren’t Doing

1. Drinking enough water. T&T: Buy a large two liter type plastic jug and a fun cup or refillable bottle that you enjoy drinking out of. Fill with the jug with ice or put in the freezer to make icy, but not solid. Sit it on your desk or workstation where you will see it. Pour glasses at regular intervals and drink on it throughout the day. Don't just drink when thirsty, drink regularly. Plus think of the regular exercise you will get with the extra bathroom visits!

2. Exercising at least 20 minutes daily. T&T If your day gets crazy and hectic you may have to make this a first thing in the morning task. It is the one time of the day you can control by simply starting earlier. The main issue is having a set appointed time in your schedule for daily exercise. This can be cardio, which elevates your heart rate, weight training, stretching or yoga, or sports based activity. For best results, plan it out and mix it up.

3. Eating at least 3-5 serving of vegetables daily. T&T Plan to eat either a fruit or vegetable at every meal you eat. Pack some to take with you. Drink V-8 Juice if you can tolerate it. Plan for vegetables and fruit consumption and hold yourself accountable.

4. Getting enough sleep. T&T Don't compromise your sleep or you will compromise all your health efforts. Stick to a set schedule as often as possible. Plan for a wind down routine nightly to reduce stimulation and allow your mind to relax. By journaling any nagging thoughts, you can put them aside for the night. Avoid bright lights and stimulating activity right before attempting to sleep.

5. Taking appropriate supplements. T&T Put supplements where you will see them, like next to your tooth brush, in your purse, at work, or wherever you will need to take them. Be sure to have food before taking them to avoid stomach upset. Always check with your doctor to know what is best for you, but a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, fish oil capsule (these can be frozen to make more palatable) and a baby aspirin are the basics. Others to consider would be, Vitamin C, D, & E, along with Calcium and possibly a B-Complex. Women of child bearing age should take a 400 mg folic acid supplement.

6. Taking personal time. T&T Having downtime is essential to your mental and physical health. Put these breaks into your schedule, just as you would an appointment. At work, take your breaks. Whether you get up and walk around for 15 minutes, go to your car and read a book or sit in the break room and work on puzzles. Whatever you choose, allow it to refresh you and give a mental break from the tasks at hand. Get fresh air whenever possible.

7. Learning and practicing relaxation techniques. T&T When you feel the anxiety or tension rising you need to have practical steps you can take to calm yourself. Practicing deep diaphragmatic breathing, simple sustained stretching and visualization are good ways to refocus your energy and restore your peace and wellbeing. Five to ten minutes spent with eyes closed, practicing slow deep breathing can be extremely restorative. Set the alarm on your cell phone if you worry about falling asleep.

8. Practicing positive view points. T&T Negative thinking is a bad habit. Becomeaware of negative thoughts and stop them when you notice them. Plan a reframed thought that looks at the situation from a more positive position. People tend to find what they are looking for. Look for trouble and stress, and you are likely to find it. Look for goodness and favor and you are more likely to find that. Your thinking greatly determines what actually happens to you.

9. Writing your short term and long term goals. T&T Many people don't set any goals for themselves and the ones that do, often don't write them down. Writing down goals is said to double your chances of achieving them. It gives them solidity and helps you shape your intentions toward what you are trying to achieve. Write both your short and long term goals and track your progress. Be sure you are taking time daily in pursuit of those goals.

10. Pursing a personal hobby. T&T Having a creative outlet is extremely beneficial for your mental and physical health. It can provide purpose and help fuel your passions. Having a hobby you enjoy will create a link between you and others who share a similar interest. It is a positive mental and physical diversion. People need to vary their activity to stay productive. Having a hobby gives you an enjoyable way to do that. Being healthy is about balancing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of your life. Plan ahead, and stick

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