The Four Corners of Wellness –Living a Lifetime Wellness Lifestyle (part II)

Recently I have discussed the four corners of wellness, the first corner being your physical health. The second corner is your mental health. This area is often taken for granted but it is essential to wellness.
You must first recognize, protect and nurture your mental wellbeing. People today are consumed with busyness! The stress caused by hectic lifestyles can cause and contribute to numerous medical conditions.
You were not made to stay under this kind of pressure. But today’s culture is a recipe for anxiety, worry and depression. For total wellness you must make time to relax and regroup. If you do not, you will pay for it in burn-out, depression and illness.

Another portion of the equation has to do with your exertion and recovery cycle. This involves scheduling time for yourself after exertion; time for the 3Rs (reflection, relaxation and rebuilding your spirits).
Discover the kinds of activities that recharge your batteries. Think about past encounters that left you relaxed and peaceful. Look for ways to recreate that feeling in your life today.

Scheduling time for yourself is essential. Do not be content with whatever time is left over, because it often gets squeezed out by unexpected situations. Decide what you will do to refuel, and then put it into your schedule. Keep your appointment with yourself, just as you would any other.

Another energy stealer is worry. Unnecessary worry causes many people to be anxious and upset. Decide to work on what you have influence over and accept what you cannot change. Freeing yourself from excessive worry and anxiety is vital for your health.

Begin to make deposits in your mental account by developing your gifts and talents. By investing in hobbies and interests you will find a natural stress reducer. Spend time improving what you excel at. Polish and grow these areas. Bring them up to excellent and allow them to be used purposefully.

The third corner piece is your spiritual health. Start out by investing time in deeper thought and learning. Give time for daily reflection and be mindful of what you think about.
Be sure to give this part of your day the value it deserves in your life. If spirituality is high on your list of “what matters most”, be sure you reflect that in your daily activities. Decide if you are giving of your time, talent and money when it comes to what you say you value. This is an area to regularly evaluate and alter as circumstances change.

It is a little like exercise. We know it is good for us, we feel better when we do it, but for some reason we still struggle to get ourselves talked into doing it. I firmly believe that the problem is that we think inside the box and just don’t enjoy traditional methods of learning.
I challenge you to think outside of tradition and discover methods that will keep you excited, challenged and enthusiastic about learning. It is a gift, but you must unlock a way you can incorporate regular learning in your very real and modern life. Your life shouldn’t be boring or monotonous. It can be as exciting and empowering as you make it.
If it is in your heart to do something, don’t let the opinions of others hold you back. Things are put on your heart that not everyone else will understand. Trust that if you do your best effort with a right heart; your efforts will be rewarded.
Be a good steward of the gifts you have been given and doors will open for your success. Seek your purpose and follow the leading of your heart. When you follow a purposeful plan for your life, it results in amazing fulfillment and total wellness.
What is your passionate purpose? Determine what compels you, moves you and speaks to your heart. Then step out in faith to pursue it. Choose to follow the promptings of your heart and find ways to do the things you love. This will allow you to: Do what you love and love what you do.

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