Testo-Max Reviews: Does It Really Boost Testosterone?

We all know that testosterone is the key to strength and muscle development. But did you know that if you're a guy over the age of 30, your body has already reached its peak testosterone production, and you're on the decline? Unless you do something about it, you will be fighting an uphill battle to increase strength and muscle. That's where testosterone boosters come in.

Testosterone boosters contain natural ingredients designed to encourage the body to produce more testosterone. Of all the brands of testosterone boosters available, one of the most popular is Testo-Max by Crazy Bulk. There's been a lot of hype around this product, with some claims that it can rival the effects of steroids like Sustanon. So how good is Testo-Max, really?

In this article, we go under the hood to find the truth about Testo-Max. Does it live up to the hype, or does this test booster shoot blanks? Let's dig in and find out.

testomax review

Testo-Max pumps up your testosterone levels naturally. No illegal steroids required. Formulated from a testo-boosting mega-mix of D-Aspartic acid, magnesium, zinc, vitamins D, B6, K1, and more...

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What is Testo-Max?

Testo-Max is a natural testosterone booster designed to help the body produce more testosterone. To achieve this, it includes compounds such as D-Aspartic acid, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, and various plant extracts, including nettle leaf extract, fenugreek, and ginseng.

Testo-Max is a product of the popular gym supplement company Crazy Bulk. It is marketed as a natural alternative to anabolic steroids for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts. The product aims to boost libido, mood, and energy levels while also increasing muscle mass, strength, and endurance.

Testo-Max: Pass or Fail?

crazy bulk testo max reviews
Overall Score: 5.0

Testo-Max is a popular 'T' booster that includes all of the standard proven ingredients that you would expect to find in a natural anabolic hormone stimulator. These include the anchor ingredient D-Aspartic acid, which is dosed at 2352 mg. Many of the ingredients are designed to stimulate the release of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is needed to increase testosterone production in the testes.

Testo-Max has a lot of positive testimonials and reviews online. These make it clear that if you do the work in the gym and with your nutrition, Testo-Max can provide that extra boost to increase your testosterone production, with the result that you will experience strength and muscle gains. I've personally taken Testo-Max for six weeks with noticeable improvements in my squat and dumbbell bench press over that time. I also managed to add 3 lbs of body weight while reducing my body fat percentage by half a percent.

Overall Verdict: PASS

  • +11 research supported ingredients
  • +Free worldwide shipping
  • +Lots of positive customer feedback
  • -Requires taking four capsules per day
testo max results

Testo-Max pumps up your testosterone levels naturally. No illegal steroids required. Formulated from a testo-boosting mega-mix of D-Aspartic acid, magnesium, zinc, vitamins D, B6, K1, and more...

11 Testo-Max Ingredients

1. Vitamin D3 - 52mcg

Some research suggests that vitamin D3 may increase testosterone levels; two key hormones that are required for the testes to produce testosterone are luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is believed that vitamin D3 increases the production of luteinizing hormone. This then promotes the production of testosterone. It is also believed that D3 may be directly involved in protein synthesis.¹

2. Vitamin K1 - 20mcg

Vitamin K1, also known as phylloquinone, is a form of vitamin K that is found in green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, and spinach. It is important for bob health as well as testosterone production. Studies suggest that K1 may promote the release of enzymes involved in the synthesis of testosterone.²

3. Vitamin B6 - 20mg

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin involved in many bodily processes, including the metabolism of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, the generation of neurotransmitters, and the manufacture of red blood cells. It may also be important in the synthesis of testosterone through its ability to promote the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. In addition, B6 is needed for the metabolism of androgens which are testosterone precursors.³

4. Magnesium - 200mg

Magnesium has a role in several enzymatic processes in the body that are necessary for the synthesis and control of hormones, including testosterone.

Additionally, some studies have found that magnesium may aid in lowering blood levels of the protein sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which can raise levels of free testosterone. A protein called SHBG binds to testosterone in the blood, reducing its availability for usage by the body. Magnesium may contribute to an increase in free testosterone in the blood by lowering SHBG levels.

According to a study in the journal Biological Trace Element Research, when men with low magnesium levels took a supplement containing magnesium, their levels of free and total testosterone significantly increased.⁴

5. Zinc - 10mg

Zinc is a mineral that is involved in many physiological processes, including immune function, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. It also contributes to the creation of luteinizing hormone(LH), a hormone that encourages the production of testosterone in the testes.

Zinc is necessary for the function of enzymes involved in the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more potent form of testosterone.⁵

6. D-Aspartic Acid - 2352mg

D-aspartic acid (D-AA) is an amino acid that is needed for the secretion of luteinizing hormone and the subsequent production of testosterone in the testes. D-AA may also boost the activity of enzymes needed for testosterone synthesis.⁶

7. Nettle Leaf Extract 4:1 - 40mg

Nettle leaf extract is made from the stinging nettle plant. According to research, nettle leaf extract may aid in boosting free testosterone levels by interacting with the protein sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which binds to testosterone and reduces its availability for utilization by the body. Nettle leaf extract may also help in boosting blood levels of free testosterone, the biologically active form of testosterone, by binding to SHBG.⁷

8. Ginseng Red Powder - 40mg

By promoting the release of luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn stimulates the production of testosterone in the testes, ginseng has been linked in some studies to a potential role in boosting testosterone levels in males. In addition, ginseng may aid in enhancing sexual desire and erectile function, both of which are critical components of male reproductive health.⁸

9. Fenugreek Extract 4:1 - 40mg

The seeds of the fenugreek plant are used to make fenugreek extract. According to some research, fenugreek extract may help boost male testosterone levels by blocking the enzymes that turn testosterone into estrogen.⁹ Fenugreek extract may also aid in enhancing libido and sexual performance, two critical elements of male reproductive health.

10. Boron - 8mg

Boron is a mineral found in soil, water, and some foods.

The health of male reproduction and the generation of testosterone may be influenced by boron. Research suggests that boron supplementation may help raise testosterone levels in males by lowering the amounts of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), a protein that binds to testosterone and reduces its availability for utilization by the body. The amount of free testosterone, which is the type of testosterone that is biologically active, may be increased in the blood by boron by lowering the amounts of SHBG.¹⁰

11. Bioperine 95% Piperine - 5mg

Bioperine and piperine are included to improve the bioavailability and absorption of other nutrients in Testo-Max. It has been demonstrated that Bioperine can boost nutritional absorption by up to 30%, including that of vitamins and minerals. Piperine has been demonstrated to improve the bioavailability of other nutrients, such as the turmeric component curcumin.¹¹

Claimed Benefits of Testo-Max

The official Testo-Max website calls this product a natural alternative to the anabolic steroid Sustanon. Here's an overview of the claimed benefits from the manufacturer.

1. Can Help Increase Muscle Gain

By naturally boosting testosterone production by the testes, Testo-Max claims to be able to increase muscle mass when accompanied by resistance training.

2. Improves Strength

The official website claims that Testo-Max can promote 'extreme strength' gains as a result of its testosterone-boosting effects. Higher testosterone levels stimulate protein synthesis, resulting in an increase in muscle fiber size and quantity. This leads to strength gains.

3. Enhances Sex Drive

Testo-Max is claimed to have the ability to boost sex drive, sexual performance, and overall sexual function.

4. Aides in Recovery

Testo-Max may have the ability to promote post-workout recovery, allowing the muscles to regrow and recuperate more efficiently from intense training.

5. Boosts Testosterone Levels Naturally

Testo-Max contains a number of natural ingredients that have been shown through clinical research to stimulate testosterone production naturally. This may help people with low levels attain healthy testosterone levels.

Testo-Max Side Effects

Testo-Max is an entirely natural product that does not contain any synthetic ingredients. No significant reported side effects have been noted in studies on any of its constituent ingredients. However, the following minor side effects have been experienced by some people:

  • Acne

  • Diarrhea

  • Hair loss

  • Prostate enlargement

  • Mood changes

  • Sleep apnea

Real Customer Testo-Max Reviews

There are a number of reviews from verified customers of Testo-Max both on the official website and on Amazon. The product has a customer review rating of 3.7 out of 5 on Amazon, based on 201 reviews. The general consensus is that Testo-Max will help to increase testosterone levels, leading to enhanced muscle gains with serious training. However, it is nowhere close to being a legal alternative to drugs like Sustanon, as the manufacturer claims.

Here are a couple of typical reviews:

crazy bulk testo max review

testo-max review

How to take Testo-Max?

The manufacturer recommended daily dosage for Testo-Max is four capsules.

When to take Testo-Max?

Crazy Bulk suggests taking four capsules of Testo-Max about twenty minutes before breakfast. This should be done both on training and non-training days.

Who should take Testo-Max?

Men who are experiencing low testosterone levels as a result of natural age-related decline will benefit from taking Testo-Max. Men who suffer from hypogonadism (diagnosed with low testosterone levels) will also benefit from taking this supplement.

People who are working out to increase their strength and muscle mass will also benefit from taking Testo-Max.

3 Alternative Test Boosters

The testosterone booster market is highly competitive. Many products contain similar ingredients, with the difference coming down to the dosages. Here's an overview of the three popular competitors to Testo-Max, with a comparison of ingredients and dosages.

1. TestoFuel

TestoFuel is a testosterone booster that comes from popular gym supplement manufacturer Roar Ambition. It contains many of the same ingredients as Testo-Max. Here's a rundown of the ingredients and dosages in Testofuel:

  • D-Aspartic Acid - 2000mg

  • Vitamin D3 - 4000IU

  • Oyster Extract - 100mg

  • Ginseng - 100mg

  • Fenugreek - 50mg

  • Magnesium - 70mg

  • Vitamin K2 - 18mcg

  • Vitamin B6 - 5mg

  • Zinc - 10mg

  • Boron - 8mg

The dosage of the key ingredient D-AA is lower than In Testo-Max (2000 mg vs. 2353 mg). However, there is slightly more fenugreek in Test0Fuel (50 mg vs. 40 mg). The recommended daily dosage for TestoFuel is four capsules spread out over the course of the day. At $65 for a one-month supply, the price is the same as Testo-Max. Roar Ambition offers free shipping to the UK and USA.

  • +All ingredients have solid research to support their inclusion
  • +Free shipping to UK & USA
  • +Produced in GMP-compliant factories
  • -Dosages are recommended to be spread out over the day, so it's more likely you'll forget to take them
testo-max vs testofuel

TestoFuel is considered to be a revolutionary, exhaustively researched muscle building supplement with one very focused aim...to smash down the barriers to growth by opening your testosterone floodgates...

2. TestoPrime

TestoPrime contains a dozen all-natural ingredients, some of which are also found in Testo-Max. The unique ingredients in TestoPrime are green tea extract, garlic extract, pomegranate extract, and vitamin B5. Both products contain D-AA and fenugreek, though the doses are lower in TestoPrime. In the case of fenugreek, you only get half as much (20 mg vs. 40 mg).

TestoPrime is produced by UK supplement manufacturer Wolfson Brands.

The recommended daily dosage of TestoPrime is four capsules taken in the morning, which is similar to Testo-Max. It is only available from the official website, where you can buy a one-month supply for $65. Bulk purchase options provide substantial discounts, and the company offers free shipping, along with a lifetime money-back guarantee.

  • +Includes green tea extract
  • +12 all-natural ingredients
  • +Lifetime guarantee
  • -Relatively low doses of some ingredients
testo-max vs testoprime

TestoPrime is an all-natural testosterone support that can help any man take control of his youthful vitality with a flood of new and natural testosterone...

3. Hunter Test

Hunter Test is promoted as an all-natural testosterone booster that can improve men's energy levels, sexual function, muscle mass, and strength. Compared to Testo-Max, Hunter Test has a slightly different combination of ingredients. The key ingredients in Hunter Test are:

  • D-Aspartic acid

  • Korean Red Ginseng

  • Ashwagandha

  • Indole-3-carbinol-3

Indole-3-carbinol-3 is an ingredient in cruciferous vegetables that may block estrogen, a neutralizer of testosterone.

Hunter Test has a higher dose of D-Aspartic Acid (3000 mg vs. 2353 mg) and Zinc (30 mg vs. 10 mg) than Testo-Max. In fact, all of the ingredients in this product are generously dosed, being higher than most competing testosterone boosters. It is manufactured by UK supplement manufacturer Roar Ambition. It is more expensive than Testo-Max, with a one-month supply costing $90, compared with $65 for Testo-Max. The recommended daily dosage is six capsules, compared with four capsules for Testo-Max.

  • +High levels of d-aspartic acid
  • +Nine research-backed ingredients
  • +Well-dosed with ashwagandha and ginseng
  • -Requires taking six capsules per day
  • -Not vegan friendly
testo-max vs hunter test

Hunter Test leaves nothing to chance. We work with scientists to find nine potent ingredients, all with the power to boost testosterone – and transform your whole life...

Testo-Max FAQs

What does Testo-Max do to your body?

Testo-Max stimulates the body to naturally produce more testosterone. Potential benefits of increased testosterone levels are increased muscle mass, greater strength levels, improved virility, enhanced mood, and energy levels, and greater endurance.

Is Testo-Max a steroid?

No, Testo-Max is not a steroid or straight testosterone supplement. It is a natural testosterone booster, so rather than containing synthetic testosterone, it contains natural ingredients that have been shown to have the ability to stimulate the body's own production of the hormone, so you can maintain healthy testosterone levels without resorting to synthetic means.

How long does it take for Testo-Max to work?

According to Crazy Bulk, Testo-Max should be used for at least two months in order to achieve the greatest effects. However, some users may begin to feel more energized and stronger and start to add muscle mass within the first few weeks of use.

What are the side effects of Testo-Max?

Though they are often minor and infrequent, you may experience some side effects with Testo-Max. These may include acne, oily skin, increased hair growth, changes in libido, and mood swings. As the body acclimates, these adverse effects—which are typically brought on by the rise in testosterone levels—might go away.


Testo-Max is a solid, popular natural testosterone booster with proven ingredients such as D-aspartic acid, fenugreek, and magnesium. Though it won't give you the same results as you'd get from synthetic testosterone boosters such as Sustanon, Testo-Max has a demonstrated ability to safely and naturally boost testosterone production. So long as you're training hard in the gym and getting plenty of protein into your body, you will be able to use that extra testosterone to build more muscle and get stronger.


  1. Pilz, S, et al. “Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Testosterone Levels in Men.” Hormone and Metabolic Research = Hormon- Und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et Metabolisme, vol. 43, no. 3, 2011, pp. 223–5
  2. Hodson, Leanne, et al. "Fatty Acid Composition of Adipose Tissue and Blood in Humans and Its Use as a Biomarker of Dietary Intake." Progress in Lipid Research, vol. 47, no. 5, Sept. 2008, pp. 348–380
  3. Symes, E. K., et al. "Increased Target Tissue Uptake Of, and Sensitivity To, Testosterone in the Vitamin B6 Deficient Rat." Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, vol. 20, no. 5, 1 May 1984, pp. 1089–1093
  4. Cinar, Vedat, et al. "Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Testosterone Levels of Athletes and Sedentary Subjects at Rest and after Exhaustion." Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 140, no. 1, 30 Mar. 2010, pp. 18–23
  5. Prasad, Ananda S., et al. "Zinc Status and Serum Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults." Nutrition, vol. 12, no. 5, May 1996, pp. 344–348
  6. Topo, E., Soricelli, A., D'Aniello, A. et al. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 7, 120 (2009).
  7. Hryb, D. J., et al. "The Effect of Extracts of the Roots of the Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica) on the Interaction of SHBG with Its Receptor on Human Prostatic Membranes." Planta Medica, vol. 61, no. 1, 1 Feb. 1995, pp. 31–32
  8. Hong, Bumsik, et al. "A Double-Blind Crossover Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction: A Preliminary Report." The Journal of Urology, vol. 168, no. 5, 1 Nov. 2002, pp. 2070–2073
  9. Maheshwari, Anuj, et al. "Efficacy of FurosapTM, a Novel Trigonella Foenum-Graecum Seed Extract, in Enhancing Testosterone Level and Improving Sperm Profile in Male Volunteers." International Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1, 2017, pp. 58–66
  10. Naghii, Mohammad Reza, et al. “Comparative Effects of Daily and Weekly Boron Supplementation on Plasma Steroid Hormones and Proinflammatory Cytokines.” Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology: Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS), vol. 25, no. 1, 1 Jan. 2011, pp. 54–58
  11. G, Shoba, et al. "Influence of Piperine on the Pharmacokinetics of Curcumin in Animals and Human Volunteers." Planta Medica, 1 May 1998

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