Eating Salt strong bad habit

Studies have been done and you've probably heard this before: most people eat too much salt. A diet high in salt consumption can lead to high blood pressure and a possible heart attack. If you know someone who has had a heart attack, you know what's involved. I have a family member who had a heart attack late last year. She survived but now she has to take all sorts of medication prescribed by the doctors for basically the rest of her life. That's what the doctor's say. The only problem with taking all these pills is, what really are the long-term side affects of this medication on other bodily functions? Doctors say there are none, no side-affects, but do they really know? So the best thing you can do is to minimize your chances of a heart attack. Lowering salt consumption is one easy step to do this.
What you also have to realize is that most processed foods (cereal, soups, deli meats) contain salt. Some more than others like frozen foods tend to contain incredible amounts of salt even when the product mentions that it is healthy for you - like those healthy choice products that are appearing on the market today. I really think that the food industry really needs to consider ways to further reduce the amount of salt in such foods. Even some restaurant foods like Chinese food contain a lot of salt. The food itself is healthy, but it's the added salt content that isn't!
So by adding extra salt to your foods, you are compounding your salt intake. Unless of course, you eat absolutely no processed foods! My suggestion to you when you cook, instead of adding salt, try other spices or herbs. Add vegetables to add flavor to your foods. Use what's natural to add flavor

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