The Best Rotator Cuff Exercises

You may not consider stretching and strengthening your rotator cuffs when you design a fitness program. When you consider how often you use your arms and shoulders, it makes sense to work this area of your body. Exercising your rotator cuff strengthens the four muscles that stabilize your shoulder, increases your range of motion and reduces your risk of injury.

Side-lying External Rotation

This exercise can be performed on the floor or a mat. Lie on your right side with your head resting on your extended right arm, your armpit resting on a rolled towel and your left arm extended at your side. Bend your left arm to a 90-degree angle and rest it against your body. Without raising your upper arm and elbow off your body, raise your lower left arm upward until it reaches shoulder level. Hold this position for one second and slowly lower it to the start position. Perform 20 times. Alternate sides and perform the exercise with your right arm. To increase the difficulty, grasp a 2- to 5-lb. weight in the hand you will be raising and perform the exercise.

Seated External Rotation

Sit in a chair with your back straight, chin parallel to the floor and arms extended at your sides. Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle with the palms of your hands facing each other. Raise your bent arms out to the side and up to shoulder height. Raise your lower arms up and back until your fingers are pointing to the ceiling. Hold this position for one second and slowly lower your arms to the start position. Perform this exercise 10 times. To heighten the exercise, grasp a 2- to 5-lb. weight in each hand as you perform this exercise.

Reclined Internal Rotation

You will need a bench and weights for this exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent, arms extended at your sides and feet 12 inches from your butt. Grasp a 2- to 5-lb. weight in each hand and move your extended arms outward until they are level to your shoulder. Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle with your fingers pointing to the ceiling. Slowly move your forearms forward and down to bench level. Hold this position for one second and return your forearm to the elevated position. Perform this exercise 20 times.


Check with your doctor before implementing an exercise program for your rotator cuffs. Drink water before, during and after exercising. Always perform warmup and cool-down stretches to reduce injury and allow your body to return to its natural state. If you experience pain during an exercise, stop and consult your doctor. Wear loose-fitting clothes during your workout.

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  1. Rotator cuff strain like Shoulder Injuries
    is a common cause of shoulder pain rotator cuff problems. Exercise rotator cuff muscles to avoid rotator cuff tendon pain.
