Home DVD Fitness Programs

If you are looking for a fun and challenging workout, reconsider home DVD fitness programs. Newer titles offer strenuous exercise plans, meal programs developed by nutritionists and supplements to help you get in shape.


P90X is a 90 day fitness program that is designed to offer viewers a complete fitness overhaul. The intense program was designed by celebrity trainer Tony Horton and is based on the principles of muscle confusion. "Gaston Gazette" writer and personal trainer Lindsey Mathes says "You should be making changes (to your exercise routine) every four to six weeks to prevent the plateaus and boredom from sneaking in." In an interview with fitness professional and author Carol Bardelli, Horton says "If you want a well rounded level of fitness and you want to continue to see results over a long period of time then variety is certainly the spice of health and fitness."

P90X is a set of 12 DVDs that combine advanced strength training, yoga, kenpo, plyometrics and more in scheduled rotations designed to avoid plateaus. The program includes a thorough nutrition plan and provides three schedules based on your desired results. Viewers can choose from the Lean, Doubles or Standard routines. Before starting the program, however, you must pass the included fitness test and purchase a pull-up bar and resistance bands or weights.


Insanity is a 60 day program made up of 10 workouts. Designed by Shaun T, a trainer and former dancer, the program consists of cardio, strength, and circuit routines. Based on the principles of interval training, the program alternates between aerobic and anaerobic exercises performed at maximum intensity with short rest periods in between. According to professionals at the Mayo Clinic, "Interval training is a powerful tool for novice exercisers and accomplished athletes alike." interval training allows you to burn more calories in less time and helps increase cardiovascular fitness. The comprehensive Insanity plan includes a fitness test and nutrition plan. It requires no additional equipment.

Tracy Anderson Method

The Tracy Anderson Method is a custom fitness method designed by dancer and trainer Tracy Anderson. Having trained celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna, Anderson teaches techniques designed to sculpt long, lean muscles using fluid movements and very little weight. Her various DVDs focus heavily on training smaller accessory muscles instead of larger groups, and rely on energizing music and dance aerobics for cardio work. A nutrition plan is not included and the DVDs require no additional equipment.

If you have not tried home DVD fitness programs recently, you may be pleasantly surprised. Today's programs offer challenging and comprehensive workouts that rival those available in traditional gym environments.

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