How to Do Military Press Exercises

The military press primarily targets your anterior deltoid, the front lobe of your shoulder muscle. It also works your lateral deltoid, trapezius, triceps and the upper fibers of your pectoralis major. Although the military press is typically done with a barbell, you can also use dumbbells or even kettlebells to approximate the same motion.

Step 1

Sit on an upright bench, or stand. No matter how you position yourself, squeeze your abs tight to keep your back from arching as you lift the weight.

Step 2

Grasp the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, palms facing out. Lower the bar to just in front of your collarbones. Your elbows should point straight down, and your hands should be positioned directly above your elbows.

Step 3

Keep your abs tight as you straighten your arms, pushing the barbell up and slightly back so that it's directly overhead. Stop when your arms are straight, but not locked.

Step 4

Lower the barbell again, allowing it to come down in front of your body so that you don't hit yourself in the head. Double-check that your abs are still tight.

Step 5

Continue until you've completed your target number of repetitions. If you're lifting for general fitness, a single set of 12 repetitions is considered adequate.

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