How to Maintain Aerobic Fitness

Physical activity is one way to combat the 33 percent obesity rate among Americans, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report appearing in a 2010 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. Simply put, most Americans eat too much and move too little to stay at a healthy weight. Maintaining aerobic fitness, together with a sensible diet, can help you control your weight.

Step 1

Schedule an appointment with your doctor to talk about your health and fitness level. Your doctor can assess your health to ensure you're healthy enough for physical activity and then suggest some aerobic activities that can help you attain better health. In some cases, your doctor may recommend lower-impact activities to improve your fitness level before you begin higher-impact activities.

Step 2

Set aerobic fitness goals that can help you stay motivated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends two hours and 30 minutes of physical fitness per week, and that is a good place to start when setting your fitness goals. Whether you're exercising for better health, for a smaller waistline or to motivate your family, setting goals can give you something to work toward.

Step 3

Join a class or a group that participates in aerobics or other activities to help you stay fit. Health clubs and gyms often offer group classes that can help you stay motivated. You'll get the benefit of a trained instructor, motivation from a group and a scheduled time to exercise each week.

Step 4

Look for ways to increase aerobic activity in your everyday life. While the term "aerobics" may conjure images of high-energy fitness videos, aerobic fitness can happen anywhere that you exercise enough to increase your heart rate. This could be as simple as biking to work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or taking a dance class, 

Step 5

Mix up your schedule and your fitness activities so you don't become bored. While a nightly walk can help you maintain aerobic fitness, it could become boring. Find new ways to exercise and set a schedule so you have aerobic activities planned during the week, suggests the American College of Sports Medicine. A gym isn't necessary to practice aerobics. Training for a marathon, working at a local farm or playing a game of soccer with your family are just as effective as traditional aerobic methods.

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